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Les soldats italiens au combat: démotivation ou lacheté?

De l'assaut sur Dakar à la bataille d'El Alamein, les combats en Méditerranée. Opération Torch et la suite logique avec le débarquement en Sicile et les affrontements dans la péninsule italienne. Anzio, Monte Cassino, le Garigliano...
MODÉRATEURS : Gherla,alfa1965

Nouveau message Post Numéro: 31  Nouveau message de Enrico Cernuschi  Nouveau message 21 Déc 2007, 20:58

According the Italian military code to be shot in the neck is an extreme form of damnation, while the chance to be shot facing the plotoon is considered a sort of last fair opportunity for the damned.
The British practice (the pole, the eyes covered by a cagoule without the opportunity to refuse it, the target on the heart ect.) is a different one.

Sad argouments, anyway. Christmas is near and I confide in some lighter subjects :cheers:



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Nouveau message Post Numéro: 32  Nouveau message de Lorenzo Calabrese  Nouveau message 19 Jan 2008, 03:22

La guerre de Mussolini n'était pas la guerre des italiens. N'oublions pas que Mussilini n' a pas été élu, mais bon tous le monde le sait. Ce que j'ajoute à ce qui a été dit ne vient pas de la WWII. Le taux de natalité le plus fort en Italie est celui du sud, tout ce qu'on a dit sur l'italie en guerre est vrai mais la plupart des combattants sont méridionaux. Pour nes méridonaux ce qui est important ce n'est pas la guerre de ces gens-foutres de septentrionaux et de leurs honneurs faciste et de Trieste à D'annunzio, conneries etc. Pour un méridional ce qui est important depuis l'unité jusqu à aujourd hui s est vrivre ! Donc les connerie qui ne sont pas écrites par les gens "della questione meridionale" sont hors propos. Les nazillon comme Rommel qui ne pense qu à la grandeur du Reich (avant la défaite) on s'en tape, moi j'en tape ! N'oublions pas qu il y a eu une guerre civil en Italie (entre gens du nord c'est vrai) mais qu on ne parle pas d'un guerre entre nazillon et capitaliste alors que làs-bas on crevait de faim tout cours avant la guerre. Ils ont travaillés comme des connards dans le batiments etc pour être insulter de merdouilles pour leur comportement pendant la WWII, c'est trop fort !!
Dernière édition par Lorenzo Calabrese le 12 Mai 2008, 12:23, édité 3 fois.


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Nouveau message Post Numéro: 33  Nouveau message de Lorenzo Calabrese  Nouveau message 19 Jan 2008, 03:29

Je suis outré, M***e alors !!
Qu'on lise la Peau(la pelle) de Malaparte !!!


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Nouveau message Post Numéro: 34  Nouveau message de Lee Enfield  Nouveau message 19 Jan 2008, 20:30

La grossièretée est-elle indispensable ?
Qui sauve une vie, sauve l'Humanité

Brigadier General
Brigadier General

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Inscription: 07 Fév 2005, 13:53
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Nouveau message Post Numéro: 35  Nouveau message de Enrico Cernuschi  Nouveau message 19 Jan 2008, 20:51

Mais non (et maintenon pardon pour l'anglais).

La pelle is fiction and Malaparte a novelist quite far from reality. It would be like to judge France by Dirk Raspe, Brasillach and Drieu de la Rochelle forgetting De Gaulle and the resistence.

Mussolini was not a green goblet coming from Mars as the bad pather of Italian philosophy Benedetto Croce tried since 1944 to impose to the corrupt Italian intellectual mileu (Malaparte included) which was looking for an alibi disperately after a quarter of century of happy partnership (think only at the photos of the then well known famous writer Alberto Moravia - a Jew- in black shirt in front of Mussolini on 10 June 1943 receiving the Silver medal in memory of his brother died at El Alamein). It was the product of the Italian history (Gramsci wrote the Fascism was the self biograpfhy of the nation) and the by far greater majority of the people supported it

in Autumn 1920 when, tired of the two years of red chaos, the fascist movment grew in a month from some hundreds of black shirts without almost an organization to a 20.000 effective force acting with the silent approval of the police, the services and the state itself.

In 1922 when the Mussolini government had the votes of the big majority of the Parliament with catholic, liberal and some socialist ministers.

In 1924 when that movement gained the elections with such a majority (more than 65%) that even todays' writers like Paolo Sprinao, the official Communist Party historian, say that trick and violence could have made a 5% difference, but nothing more. The hard truth was the country had not forgiven the 1919-1920 chaos.

In 1924 and 1925 when, in spite of the Matteotti crisis, the parliament confirmed its support while the deputies who give up joining the Aventino" were little more than 10% of the MP.

In 1931 when the Church was unable to endure the confrontation with Fascism about the Azione Cattolica. The majority of the country was not formed, then and later, by fascists, but most of the people followed its politics as they believed they were what the country needed.

In 1936, when the Empire give three frustrated generations of Italians what school and common sense had always tought them: we are a poor country and our neighbours are rich and wily.

In 1938 when the laws against the Jews did not raise any serious protest, except for some speeches at the Senate which voted for their adoption (note that the Senate was formed by members nominated by the King at life and that the Fascist were still a minority in that chamber); th ehard truth is the Jews (1/1000 of the Italian people) did not interest anyone.

In 1940 when the war seemed almost over and the people asked for it in May and June 1940 being fearful to waste a fantastic opportunity for booty.

The Southern Italian attitude as described above is wrong too.
1) In Southern Italy Fascism had little impact in the early Twenties (the violence was almost totally in the northern part of the country beyond the Tuscany-Emilia line). Fascism was, instead, a synonimous of social progress as it improved the very poor situation there. After its fall violence was almost everythere absent south of Rome while the real Civil War, with thousands of deads, was confined in the usual northern part of the country.

2) The Piedmontese lobby in the Italian Army had the tendency, in the Twenties, Thirties and Forties, to form the new classes of infantry with Northern regions people (it's enought to give a look at the regiments new places) believing, uncorrectly, to improve the fighting standard while the southern classes were sent to Artillery, Eng. corps ect. They get quite the inverse (nothing of strange, they were Staff officers always far from the line during their life who simply did not know what was fighting) as the Southern people had a capacity to fight, endure, die and kill (even in ferocious condictions) military better than the more burguoise northern standard.

Moral: too much (wrong) literature and too few history.




Voir le Blog de Enrico Cernuschi : cliquez ici

Nouveau message Post Numéro: 36  Nouveau message de Audie Murphy  Nouveau message 20 Jan 2008, 00:50

Faut-il absolument avoir vécu un événement pour avoir une opinion à son sujet ? Dans ce cas, fermons ce forum au plus vite !


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Nouveau message Post Numéro: 37  Nouveau message de Enrico Cernuschi  Nouveau message 23 Jan 2008, 20:43

Mais non Audie!
It's simply a matter of common sense. The stereotyped opinions (and Malaparte's ones were well written stereotypes with a pleasand sound and deeply phoney) have the ability to be easy to study, but unsound.

A mere exercise of critic can defeat them. It's not necessary to have spent the life inside a black shirt (I was born in 1960) to appreciate that ther's "something wrong" in the usual media versions (here they are labelled vulgata).

An example: I had not the opportunity to live in the Napoleonic times. I have got, anyway, a great admiration pour L'Empereur and it's not only as an ancestor of mine was appointed by him Count of the Italian Royaume in 1806, but because I consider him a genius and a man who did much for progress.
As a naval historian, anyway, I always read he was unable to understand the maritime war themes. This was the common lesson. When I had the opportunity to investigate on the original documents, however, I was able to see he had a deep knowledge about these matters; the real difference I was able to appreciate was between officiers who wrote him what was the real state of the affair and the other ones who tried to "cut the corner". L'Empereur boasted both of them, but respected the first and sacked the others. The final concept, so, was someway different from the common lesson, and I can swear I did not vécu cet événements, but only used some common sense, like Jacques Bonhomme (or Achille Talon).




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Re: Les soldats italiens au combat: démotivation ou lacheté?

Nouveau message Post Numéro: 38  Nouveau message de normanno  Nouveau message 22 Oct 2010, 21:48

The German soldier has surprised the world, the Italian bersagliere has surprised the German soldier.
Ervin Rommel


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Re: Les soldats italiens au combat: démotivation ou lacheté?

Nouveau message Post Numéro: 39  Nouveau message de normanno  Nouveau message 23 Oct 2010, 07:01

En Nord Afrique les Italiens et les Français se sont heurtés deux fois, au Bir Hakem, mais la vraie collision a été à El Alamein entre les Italiens en désavantage numérique fort et la Légion étrangère, résulté la Légion étrangère elle a été faite à bouts et défaite


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Nouveau message Post Numéro: 40  Nouveau message de normanno  Nouveau message 23 Oct 2010, 07:13

Daniel Laurent a écrit:Bonjour,
Bon, ben zambdav a tout dit ou presque
Ca m'enerve aussi ces ragots aux relents raciste au sujet des Italiens.
Leur petit corps expeditionnaire sur le front de l'Est s'en est pris plein la poire mais ils ont tenus aussi bien que les autres, ou du moins pas plus mal, surtout considerant que leur handicap face a l'hiver russe etait plus grand que celui des gens du Nord...

Elle a raison parfaitement, sur le front oriental il faut rappeler que les Italiens étaient sur le fleuve Don à la protection de Stalingrad, eh bien en hiver russe plein et à pied l'Italienne armée avec sacrifices énormes et en combattant en continuation, il réussira à ne se pas faire piéger des Soviétiques, entre les 300mila Italiens il y aura 70mila disparus et prisonniers, mais les autres réussiront à revenir à la maison, la bataille principale pendant la retraite sera au Nikolaiewa, où la température pour l'effet vent était de 40 degrés sous zéro et les Italiens ils rompirent l'encerclement des Soviétiques et de leurs chariots T34


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